Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Barack Obama thinks Cannabis has no medicinal value--Colorado MMJ cannot support him in 2012

I wanted to take some time today to discuss briefly Barack Obama's stance on Medical Cannabis, and the harm it brings to each of us as cannabis patients and businesses.

The official policy of the Obama Administration is that cannabis holds "No known medical value," putting him strikingly in line with a long line of prohibitionist politicians we all know and most of us likely despise for their part in the Drug War.

I, for one, am mortified by this stance. Having voted for Obama, believing that he was serving my best interests at the time, I can tell you now that I have come to feel he is just another politician of the same stripe as the rest--instead of oil companies he gives our money to banks and other special interest groups.

Barack Obama distinctly considers you and your medical condition as qualifications for criminality. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT VOTE FOR THAT KIND OF IGNORANCE. Barack Obama cannot remain in office without Carrying Colorado and California--PERIOD. You should not vote for someone who has no respect for you as a sick or in pain person, a consenting adult who chooses to go with medical options outside of the sphere of the Pharmaceutical Lobby. Medical options that are now well supported with unbiased data.

I know what you're thinking here: "But Obama's policy of not pursuing those acting within accordance of state laws regarding medical cannabis has helped the industry to come above ground." While there is some truth to this, I have several problems with this assertion:

The DEA does still raid and detain medical marijuana businesses in both Colorado and California all the time, and many of these businesses are in fact working within accordance of state laws, putting these raids in direct conflict with the administrations' half-hearted wishes. Were they serious about extending these protections to the States, they would reschedule Cannabis.

The Obama Administration's current stance that cannabis has no medicinal value, combined with their support of keeping it as a schedule ! controlled substance, are very harmful to medicinal cannabis and even more so to patients. As long as cannabis continues to be scheduled as a class 1 substance, research on cannabis here in the United States is SEVERELY restricted and in many cases outright banned.

Less research means less care for sick people, equals the furthering of marijuana prohibition and the suppression of evidence that contradicts the ridiculous stance prohibitionists take.

That's why I implore all of you who aren't interested in voting for a Conservative maniac for president but also don't want to vote for a hypocritical puppet like Obama who thinks you are a criminal for being sick, to explore other options in 2012--specifically Libertarian options. I'm very interested in supporting guys like Ron Paul (and you might take some time to read up on his policies), but the point here isn't to promote one candidate in particular--it's to be sure you understand that voting for the status quo of politicians means voting against yourself again and again and again.

Colorado was the birth place of the Libertarian Party and has a long tradition of preferring self governance / personal accountability to government meddling, and I think you'll find that many Libertarian views are extremely in line with the needs of cannabis patients and users. That's all assuming you're tired of being crapped on by politicians who don't give a damn about you--I certainly am.

NObama in 2012 without severe policy change regarding cannabis--if you'll persecute the sick, you'll persecute anyone!!!
I think it's time we just got all incumbents out--period. Washington's corporate whore culture is hard enough to swallow at the national level--when they start to interfere with our state's affairs, I'm not even willing to take a bite.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Think you're free? Think again--even the environmentalists want to treat you differently

Check out this new ordinance proposal in Boulder--they want to require all cannabis businesses to offset 100% of their electricity with green energy sources, and they want to mandate it with inspectors (read full article here: http://www.coloradodaily.com/ci_15046341?source=most_viewed

While I understand the concern, this is another ridiculous example of Cannabis businesses being treated to a double standard. Their argument is that indoor cultivation operations produce a lot of greenhouse gasses. Duh! While this is true, here's the problem with their arguement: Nearly every large warehouse owned by a business anywhere in this state or this country, and that includes Boulder, is likely lit with HID (High Intensity Discharge) lights, the exact same lights used to cultivate cannabis indoors. In many cases these large warehouse are using many times the amount of lights it takes to run an indoor grow--some warehouses, and some walmarts, literally line the ceiling with these things.

And yet this regulation would not apply to those businesses, only to Cannabis businesses. So here's what I have to say to all you Boulder progressives with your bullshit, inconsistent ideals (that always seem to kill your causes): shut your mouth, get a sense of equality (since you spend so much time bitching about it) and stop persecuting cannabis businesses.

Meeting the standard would be fairly easy, costing $50 a month, at most. But that's not the point: it's a $50 not being pushed onto the books of other businesses who are causing the exact same amount of emissions.

Cannabis businesses will go green when everyone else does (many have already chosen to do so on their own anyway)--adding another cost to their list of bills is unacceptable, naive, totalitarian, and wrong. The idea that ANY business should be held to different standards from the next is completely Un-American.

Stop trying to single out cannabis-related businesses simply because you know that the status-quo still allows this inequality to permeate unchecked. It's as wrong as forcing African Americans to sit in the back of a bus was--it promotes divisiveness and inequality, in direct opposition to the Constitution of the United States of America, as well as the Colorado State Constitution, as well as every single citizen's sense of freedom.

Shame on the Boulder City Council--more ridiculous Liberal Government interference from Socialist pricks........ That's why I am voting Libertarian in the next election-because Democrats are as big of scum as Republicans.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cultural Warfare and Marijuana

Have you ever noticed that there is one segment of society that habitually tries to manipulate and control the others? Our money-first culture has taught people that control equates to dollars, and so control they must.

Whether it be churches, politicians, or buerocrats, there is never a shortage of people looking to use whatever power they have to create wealth. These people always use morals as a pulpit to spread misunderstanding, hate, and divisiveness--they are concerned with one thing, and whether it comes in a collection plate or a campaign contribution, they will do just about anything to get it.

Drug prohibition is officially a $1 trillion dollar industry in the United States. Think about that: one trillion dollars spent on the drug war, with little to no effect on the market at large (in fact by most counts drug use is on the rise to this day, sizures are up, but so is availability).

Many of our prisons are now privatized, and they trade their stock based on the amount of people they incarcerate--if that's not incentive to arrest marijuana users and keep marijuana illegal, I don't know what is. We've built an entire infra-structure based on targeting marijuana smokers in particular, incarcerating them, destroying their lives, stripping society of that individual's value, and splitting their family. Many of these people are among the most productive citizens we have--99% of the art and music you enjoy was most likely created by people who smoke marijuana or at least did at some point in their life--if pot is so bad, stop enjoying all the things it has inspired in this world.

Humans have been using marijuana for over 8,000 years now--it's only been prohibited for about 90-- I think that is an astoundingly clear demonstration that marijuana does not disrupt or destroy societies.

And that's really the problem: People who serve money don't like to be reminded that there are others out there with separate priorities from that--priorities like fun, fellowship, stewardship, art. And so they set out in any way they can to destroy this other segment of society. Marijuana is the biggest casualty of this concept in the 20th and now 21st century.

The very reason it was outlawed to begin with here in America was highly based on racism and misinformation--turns out white people weren't interested in having Latino immigrants in their communities in the early 20th century--Latinos brought with them their culture, and also marijuana smoking, when they arrived in America. In order to stop this "cultural invasion" marijuana prohibition was created and used as a tool to arrest these men. It was demonized and criminalized-- then the self serving elements of our society literally had to find a way to subvert the constitution of the United States to outlaw it, which has permanently altered the rights of all free people in this world.

In the 1960's prohibition of marijuana was again used as a tool to combat a perceived cultural invasion. When government discovered that there was a link between people against the Vietnam war and marijuana smoking, prohibition became the strongest tool they could find to incarcerate, separate, and conquer those who had priorities other than warfare and money.

And today we see it again here in Colorado. Law Enforcement who are protecting their prohibition funding are dead set on treating medical marijuana patients like criminals. Paranoid freaks like Chris Romer were happy to oblige them in getting their piece of this pie (no telling how much his pockets were lined and by whom, I suspect it was big name California Dispenaries and hateful conservative greed heads here in Colorado greasing his palm). What we ended up with was a bill that is another in a long line of attempts to subvert a region's Constitution (and thus the wishes of the people) by greedy shit heads who intend to make money off probhibition and control.

I am appalled by some of the statements these people make: Chris Romer openly touts that his bill is designed to kill legitimate businesses--if a politician made statements like that about banks (who are robbed at 10 times the rate of dispensaries here in Colorado) I can guarantee you the greed heads would have a barbecue using his vital organs as the main dish. This double standard for medical marijuana businesses, who are sanctioned by the state constitution, is ridiculous. Tobacco plants are grown across this country by the millions, and in plain view, despite the millions of lives they take from our society each year. How's that for consistent values and Freedom?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What does it mean to be a criminal?

I've been doing some thinking lately. What, with the passage of HB 1284 and all the mess it will be creating, as well as the extradition order signed by Canadian Conservative politicians that will extradite Marc Emery to the United States to do a 5 year prison for committing what amounts to a misdemeanor by Canadian laws (Canada is now apparently outsourcing justice for it's citizens), it's hard not to think.

Our standards as a society are failing. We value almost all the wrong things in the new century, and I sometimes worry that there is no turning back from this mess. Allow me to paint an example: Somewhere off the shore of Louisiana tonight British Petroleum, a company not even founded or run here in the United States, is cleaning up an epic mess of oil that is destroying habitat at an alarming rate. New information is coming up every day that suggests they were not following proper procedures leading up to this tragedy, though that never seems to matter, does it?

I highly doubt that any of the multi-millionaire executives from BP will ever be charged, much less extradited, for this very serious destruction of tangible American property. Our values have gone to shit when we import a man into our prison system for selling marijuana seeds (made by God), but there isn't even so much as a mention of prosecuting men who regularly rape the resources of this country for their own selfish thirst for riches. These men should be shot by a firing squad on national television--instead, they're civic leaders in their communities--senators, judges, mayors.....

God help us now. The greed heads have given up trying to take the ship, and now they're just sinking it instead. Non-violent drug offenders are sitting in cells across this country trying to collect the pieces of their shattered lives--oil executives are at home riding out the storm while someone else cleans up their mess. If that's justice then I'm a duckbill platypus.

Welcome to the land of the disturbed, population 300 million. Colorado politicians have demonstrated recently how far the finger can fall from the pulse (I'll give you a hint, in their case the finger is lodged deep within the collective ass). They spent nearly an entire legislative session pandering over a bill to regulate medical marijuana, and the legislation that came of this pandering to each other will serve to do nothing but deregulate the market--in fact by most counts it will push as much as 80% of the market back underground, foregoing our budget strapped state of millions of tax dollars in the process.

But the idiots in our society can sleep well again now, knowing that productive, decent people are being treated like criminals. MEDICAL Marijuana Dispensaries are now more regulated than child molesters, pornography, cigarettes, alcohol, and traffic. Lawmakers are making every effort to subvert the wishes of Colorado's citizens, as per Amendment 20 to our Constitution. If that doesn't scare you then you are absolutely not thinking of the big picture.--- Shorty Smallz

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Treating your condition with specific strains and sub-species

The weather has turned rancid here in Colorado, it's snowing in the middle of May, which is very unusual in Denver. Powdery Mildew is running rampant, I'd be willing to bet the grow stores are selling out of sulfur burners right about now.

Incidentally, for those of you having similar problems, try Safergro Mildew Cure, it smells awful but is OMRI certified, and safe to use in my opinion up until two weeks before harvest or so, without effecting quality or taste. Two applications one week apart will solve your problem for good with most powdery mildew (follow the instructions on the label, and you may want to add a surficant to increase effect).

You also need extra healthy airflow during this moist time, (cut out the infected leaves and trim the bottoms up of your plants, discarding these outside the grow space, and then spray the mildew cure all on the walls, all over the floor, and drench your ladies as well, spraying the top layer of the soil also to kill spores.

I recommend that you do this right when your lights come on, manually turning the lights off of course so as not to burn the plants, and working using an overhead light or portable lamp so that you can see to work and the plants are still exposed to light so as not to confuse them. Let them dry completely before turning lights back on. I like to turn my intake off during this treatment time.

But enough about that--I wanted to take time today to talk a little bit about the different sub-species of marijuana, and what their effects are that can be utilized for specific conditions.

There is some debate as to whether Cannabis exists in two or in three sub-species. Personally I think that there are really three, though one that is not so useful for medical applications, beyond creating faster-flowering varieties.

The three sub-species are Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, and Cannabis Ruderalis. I don't want to get into too much detail about the Ruderalis, which is a sub species that flowers independent of the light cycle, and is much lower in concentration of cannabinoids as compared to the other two sub-sets. Breeders have tried to harness this autoflowering characteristic with some success in recent years, resulting in strains that can be grown to completion in colder climates with extremely short growing seasons outdoors.

but let's focus on the two sub-species we're all most familiar with as medicine for our purposes today.

Cannabis Indica originates from cooler climated regions of the world, most specifically it is often attributed to climates bordering the Hindu Kush Region around Afghanistan, India, and other countries in that region. It is characterized by a fairly short flowering period, ranging from 6-9 weeks outdoors from the time the light cycle falls below 14 hours of daylight each day.

Pictured here is a pure Indica plant of a strain simply titled Maui-- beyond this the genetic lineage of the strain is unkonwn to me, but it is obviously a textbook indica in growth pattern. the pictured plant is about three weeks into it's 56 day bloom cycle.

Indica strains are short, stocky plants with stubby, fat leaves, are often highly resinous (thus the popularity of hash in the above mentioned regions of the world). They tend to produce fairly dense flowers and their thc tends to have a very narcotic, couch-lock effect when ingested.

Indica Marijuana has excellent pain relief properties, and is excellent for insomnia as well. It tends to stimulate appetite, and has a cumulative anti-inflamatory effect over time that cuts pain off at the root in some cases.

Cannabis Sativa originates from the more tropical areas of the world, such as Thailand, Cambodia, Regions of Africa, India, and, yes, California and Central America. Cannabis Sativa plants tend to be long lanky plants (they can reach 15 feet tall outdoors), with long, thin, stretched leaves, lots of space between node sites, and a much longer flowering period (from the time light cycle falls below 14 hours a day they can take up to 14 weeks to produce mature flowers).

Pictured above is a Sour Diesel plant. Sour Diesel is a mostly sativa cross taking 75 days to flower. This plant is about 3 weeks into bloom in the picture.

When ingested, Cannabis Sativa often creates a more racy, heady effect, often making the user feel highly engergetic and have racing thoughts or ideas. It can also have much stronger psychoacivity associated with it's use, effecting vision and hearing in extreme cases (though some milder sativas are really just more energizing without the physical impairments).

Cannabis Sativa is excellent for treating nausea, as well as managing pain during daytime scenarios where you cannot afford to be too sedated.

Most strains on the market today fall somewhere in the middle of Indica and Sativa, as most are crossbreeds of various combinations of the two. These hybrid strains can often have a blend of the effects of their parents, so it may take some experimenting to find the hybrid that is right for your condition.

Some people call me crazy, but I tend to prefer Indicas or Mostly Indica hybrids. I'm an extremely energetic person, so racy sativas sometimes cause me to be anxious if I have a lot on my plate. I have found that a good 50/50 hybrid that is bred for flavor over potency is the most effective option for me personally when medicating. At night I really prefer a good, pure Indica to anything else, to be honest. Strains like Afghani #1, Super Skunk, and Lamb's Breath are always flavorful and powerful for pain.

I'd love to hear from you guys out there--what do you prefer for your condition, what helps, what does not, what method do you prefer to ingest your medicine with? HC3 welcomes any and all comments and suggestions to the content displayed on this blog, so speak up people!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Greed Screed--Dispensaries and $$$, rather than care.

I was in a dispensary on Saturday to visit a friend of mine who is one of the owners. I won't say which one, other than to point out that they're in a rather run down location in the 5 points. Although my friend was absent, I stayed around to speak to one of his partners for a bit. The opinions he espoused to me were horrifying for Medical Marijuana patients across the state.

Now, obviously I didn't have a tape recorder (although I'm thinking about going back and trying to get him to go on record with his silly opinion.) But his statements were something along the lines of, I'm ecstatic about HB1284 (he kept calling it HB 1186 or something like that, which shows you just how much he cares about sick people), it's gonna give us complete control of the market, we're gonna mass produce our product in warehouses, drive the price below $10 a gram, and run all the private caregivers out of the business, collecting their patients all the while.

Now, obviously this guy's a jackass. First of all, I have rarely seen medicine in his shop that is either organic or up to my personal standards. In fact, the few times that they do take in quality product, their own workers almost always buy it all up before the patients even get a shot at it. I don't think for a second that patients will pass on quality in the name of price, they've had that option on the black market for years. But that's not the point.

I will admit that I'm all for making medicine more affordable to the average patient. What I'm not for is the narrowing of variety and the mass produced lack of quality that these dispensaries will surely turn to, and the suffering that patients will experience as a result. If these guys weren't producing quality medicine in their basement (he informed me that currently he, too, is a basement grower, the exact type of grower he then informed me they were going to "run over"), then someone please tell me how their quality will improve in a warehouse?

I think this guys motives were the same as a lot of dispensaries motives--$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, rather than helping sick people. I will not be doing any business with this particular dispensary, nor will I recommend that my patients do so. In fact I think that guy is a selfish, self serving prick, if you want to know the truth. He's extremely unprofessional and rude anyway, hardly the kind of person I'd want working in my own business. If the legislature had any morals or sense, it's this guy they'd be regulating out of the market. Instead, they have decided to hand it over to people like him, and to kill the private caregiver in the process, who actually cares.

That's why I'm recommending that each of you go to the dispensary you most often purchase medicine from, and have a conversation with the owners or managers. Get their stance on this, and if you don't like what they have to say, don't shop there ever again. Let them know that you're not interested in making them millionaires at the expense of suffering or dying people. Tell them that now they have become the ones oppressing marijuana for their own benefit. Tell them to get some class and some ideals.

I will warn you that most owners aren't as big of idiots as the guy I spoke to--they probably won't just come out and say the things that this guys said--he obviously has no common sense or social skills. He's been a jerk to me every single time I've walked into their shop, as a matter of fact.

I haven't had a chance to speak with my friend at the dispensary in question, but when I do, it will only be to tell him that I hope his business fails, and fails miserably, and that they disgust me. His partner informed me of his intention to take over the market, So I plan to inform him of my decision, to boycott greedy dispensaries. I hope you will do the same. Peace!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Assaulting Patients Rights--it's all about paranoia and greed

What a beautiful day here in Denver! However, as beautiful as the weather is, there is a nasty cloud brewing over the State Legislature this week, as they prepare to vote on HB 1284. The feeling is that they may move forward in passing the bill by weeks end. Though it will certainly be shot down in the courts, this is still alarming.

The Senators I've spoken to on the subject agree that the bill has major problems, but seem to feel pressure to pass something by the end of this session. Personally I take this as them saying that patient's aren't what's important here--regulations are. I couldn't disagree more. Rushing legislation that is ineffective will cause more harm than good, and patients will feel the brunt of that harm while the courts settle it out.

The only portions of HB1284 that are favorable to the industry will be a disaster for patients. Disallowing small-time caregivers to sell their overstock to dispensaries in order to recoup their costs and labor will do two things:

1.) force the small caregiver who doesn't have a $7000 dispensary license and all the red tape that goes with it onto the black market, where the community misses out on the benefit of tax revenue that could have been collected.

2.)Lower the quality of medicine significantly--as the small and medium sized businesses die off, we will be left with giant conglomerate dispensaries, growing their product with chemicals (for the highest yields) and mass producing it instead of focusing on the quality of it. Instead of growing the strains that their patients need they will grow the strains that yield the most. Patients will be forced, too, to seek out the same small caregivers on the black market who could have been supplying their high quality product to dispensaries, where the transaction is regulated, taxed, and recorded.

Inevitably, this portion of the bill will lead to the deregulation of the market as people flock to the black market.

The bill also treats medical cannabis business to a much different standard than pharmacies, which I feel is both wrong and unconstitutional. Here in America we have a funny way of demanding equality and then legislating it out of existence. Cannabis is a much safer medicine than 85% of the drugs sold in a pharmacy, and yet cannabis businesses would be subjected to inspectors with guns, extreme security requirements, and excessive government meddling in their business operations, while pharmacies are subjected to none of these things, in spite of being the largest source of drug addiction in America today (prescription drugs are the most widely abused currently by teens AND adults).

Contact your Senator NOW, before it's too late, and tell them that they should vote no on the current form of the bill, in favor of future debate on the subject either in the next legislative session, or in an emergency session this summer. In the end I am confident that Colorado voters will vote to amend the constitution this fall via much more reasonable legislation drafted by patients to be voted on in November's election.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chris Romer--a political liability

That crazy Chris Romer is at it again. His current tour-de-ridiculous has him adding more 11th hour amendments to HB 1284. The newest changes only give patients and dispensaries until July 1 2010 to come into compliance with some crazy rules, fees, etc. This is a thinly veiled attempt to legislate dispensaries out of business via "unintended consequences" that are anything but unintentional.

I have been in back and forth contact with Senator Romer all week. The man is a habitual waffler--then again, that just makes him a Democrat. However, his waffling in this case is in support of a bill that is highly Unconstitutional and will easily be thrown out in court should it pass. Chris can barely hide his contempt for sick and dying people, as well as those in severe pain. He wants to subject them and their caregivers to oversight by armed inspectors whose only real purpose is to harass, intimidate, and spook patients.

Disallowing smaller caregivers to wholesale their excess medicine to dispensaries will harm the dispensaries abilities to provide the highest quality medicine, will kill variety on the market, will drive the cost of medicine up, and will create "WeedMart" in the place of smaller, locally-owned businesses. The people who will suffer the most from this are the patients. Chris Romer absolutely doesn't give a damn about that.

VOTE NO ON CHRIS ROMER IN NOVEMBER--enough is enough, we've all tried to reason with him, but he has no intention of being reasonable, so let's get rid of him.

you can email Chris Romer to give him a piece of your mind here : chris.romer.senate@state.co.us

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Medical Marijuana Success Story

I wanted to share this story in hopes that it will encourage some people who might benefit from the use of medical cannabis but currently hold biases against cannabis as a legitimate medicine.

A close relative of mine, who shall remain nameless out of respect for patient privacy, is suffering from metastasized prostate cancer. He is currently undergoing Chemo to treat it--though they have had success treating this very slow developing cancer so far, they are positive that they will not be able to fully cure it--they can however, take steps to lengthen his life significantly. The problem is, that same treatment is taking it's tole on him.

Suffice to say, this family member is on A LOT of medications right now. From blood thinners, to morphine, hydrocodon, and a whole host of other drugs that I cannot even pronounce and have never heard of before, he's practically a walking pharmacy.

He's also a 73 year old man. An old fashioned oil man, a chemical engineer, as it were. A man who once designed a very prolific piece of oil refining equipment for J. Paul Getty on a cocktail napkin over dinner. A highly intelligent man. He's also a man with a lifetime of pre-conceived notions about marijuana. He's never smoked anything in his life, and has long considered marijuana to be one of society's many evils. The thought of him smoking pot is so far beyond my conception that I can only say it would be impossible.

Throughout the first part of his cancer, I had a very hard time talking with him about the possibility of using cannabis as a medicine to treat pain, sleeplessness, and nausea--he was completely closed to the idea, not even willing to consider it. He practically scoffed at it in fact.

But as time has passed, the cancer has begun to aggravate a nerve in his back. The pain from this nerve is the reason he's on morphine and other pain killers. The pain became so much that he absolutely could not sleep some nights because of the throbbing nerve. Both he and his wife sat through some tearful, heartbreaking nights while he writhed in pain. The very idea of it nearly brought me to tears when they told me. He lost weight, his health seemed to be coming unglued. Their doctor decided to put him on Elavil, an antidepressant and sleep aid, so he could sleep. I want to point out here that he was in no way depressed, in fact despite the cancer he's probably happier than you are--he's just that kind of man, kind, giving, and selfless.

But at this point he was becoming nervous about adding one more drug into the coctail that his body was quickly becoming. The Elavil also had the side effect of making him a zombie the next day, which he and his wife hated. It also put him at risk to a number of odd side effects such as panic attacks and heart irregularities. Dangerous side effects in light of the morphine and other drugs he was on.

When his wife told me about the Elavil, I approached them again about cannabis, explaining that he wouldn't have to smoke, that we have glycerine-based tinctures that work amazingly well. To my surprise, his exhausted wife said they were ready to try just about anything now. My wife and I convinced them to get off the Elavil after only a week of it, and that night they tried out the bottle of cannabis tincture I supplied them instead.

They were a little nervous at first about dosage, since it didn't list an exact dosage on the bottle. I explained to them that unlike other drugs, the Cannabis had no known toxicity level for overdose, and that it would not interfere with heart rhythm or negatively interact with any of the other drugs. They were skeptical, but decided to trust me in the end.

And guess what? That night, after taking about two eye dropper's full of tincture, they slept. A full 9 hours of sleep, to be exact. The sound of relief in my relative's voice on the phone the next morning truly filled me with a joy I cannot describe. The tincture had worked where everything else they had tried had failed. His wife said he looked the most rested she'd seen him in over a year. It was the best phone call I've received in quite some time.

I will keep you posted on how all this works out for them in the longer term. I'm not sitting here as I write this thinking that cannabis has solved my relative's problem for good. I'm not trying to make it out to be a wonder drug or the greatest thing since sliced bread (though personally I think it is among the greatest gifts God has given to humans). But I do believe it has unquestionably helped build my relative's quality of life, as well as my own. I have been using it as medication since my teenage years and have never experienced any negative side effects in my life.

For my relative, more sleep means a better healing body, means a calmer mind, a sense of well being, and a happier life. If this man who truly believed cannabis was a negative influence on the world and society can come to understand both it's mild nature and its amazing effect as medicine, I truly believe that anyone can.

If you have health problems but are tired of medications with extreme side effects, and want to see if cannabis is a good option for you, contact us at hc3meds@gmail.com and we will help you through the process of finding a doctor you can trust to explore all options with.